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8 de Junho de 2004
Transito de Vénus
Transit of Venus

Durante meses, sonhámos com este evento raro. Tão raro que não teremos outra oportunidade de o testemunhar. Temíamos que o tempo não estivesse de feição. Mas não! Tudo foi perfeito. Perfeito o local, perfeito o tempo, perfeita a companhia.
Quando o Sol irrompeu por sobre as copas das árvores, já tinha ocorrido o 1º contacto e o disco de Vénus atravessava o limbo do astro-rei. Ninguém despegou os olhos dos vários telescópios até a travessia ter terminado e se ter confirmado o 2º contacto. Foi facilmente confirmado o efeito de gota, com uma ponte de sombra entre o disco de Vénus e o limbo do Sol, que se foi estreitando até se esvair completamente. Todos ficámos surpreendidos com o tamanho da sombra. Ainda lembrávamos o trânsito de Mercúrio e, mesmo sabendo da diferença de tamanho, foi uma bela surpresa. Outra surpresa foi o negro profundo da sombra. Negro que parecia tinta da China. As horas da travessia até ao 3º contacto foram de convívio e de experiências. Houve tempo para correr todos os telescópios, observar pelos filtros H-alfa, ver as modestas protuberâncias, localizar as pequenas manchas, perscrutar a granulação da superfície do Sol.
Foi o tempo de receber os visitantes ocasionais e de mostrar e explicar o fenómeno.
Quando se aproximou o 3º contacto foi uma lufa-lufa. Ninguém queria perder pitada. Todos tínhamos o sentimento de que aquela sombra era um adeus e não um \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"até breve\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". Aquela era a 1ª e a última vez. Como descrever esta felicidade de partilhar uma coisa única?
Foi no Monsanto, Lisboa, no Moínho do Penedo.


For months, we dreamed about this rare event. So rare that no one of us shall have another chance to testify it again. We were afraid that the weather could not be good, but everything was perfect. Perfect the weather, perfect the place, perfect the company. When the Sun rose above the top of the trees, the contact had already occurred and the disc of Venus was crossing the edge of the Sun. No one deviated the eyes from the telescopes until the crossing was over and the 2.nd contact confirmed. We easily observed the black drop effect, a bridge of shadow between the disc of Venus and the edge of the Sun that became narrower and narrower until completely vanishing. All of us were surprised with the size of the shadow. We were still remembering the transit of Mercury, and, even beeing aware of the relative sizes, it came up to be a pleasant surprise. Another surprise was the deep dark of the shadow. So dark that it looked like China ink. The time for the crossing up to the 3.rd contact was spent with experiences and chatting. There was enough time to look trough all the telescopes, watch trough the H-Alpha filters, see the dark spots, scrutinize the granulation on the surface of the Sun. It was the time for reception to ocasional visitors and to explain them what was going on. When the 3.rd contact approached everybody was in a hurry. Nobody admitted to loose a bit of it. We all had the deep feeling that that shadow was a goodbye and not a \\\"see you later\\\". This one was the first and the last time. How to describe this happyness of sharing such an unique event?
This happened at Monsanto, Lisboa, at Moinho do Penedo.

 Preparando a contenda

Preparing for the fight.

 Já quase o Sol aparecia, e era uma corrida contra o tempo.

The Sun was almost rising and it was a run against the time.

 Astrónomos trabalhando...

Astronomers at work...

 A azáfama era grande.

Strongly busy....

 O trânsito pelo prisma de Herschel, em afocal.JR

The transit through the prism of Herschel, in afocal. JR

 O trânsito que nenhum ser vivo ou morto ainda tinha visto...em H-alfa. JR

The transit that no one living or dead had ever H-alpha. JR

 Com o Prisma de Herschel do Alfonso em afocal com a Coolpix885. PBG

With Prism of Herschel from Alfonso, in afocal with a Coolpix 885.

 No filtro H-alpha do Alfonso também em afocal com a Coolpix. PBG

In the H-alpha of Alfonso, in afocal with a Coolpix. PBG

 A gota.JR

The black drop. JR

 Após o 3º contacto era
visível através do telescopio
o arco exterior da superfície
do planeta!

After the 3.rd contact it was visible through the telescope the exterior arc of the planet's surface

 O Sol e Vénus na 300D

The Sun and Venus in the 300D.

 O Sol no momento do 3º contacto...

The Sun at the moment of 3.rd contact...


 O 3º e 4º contacto numa animação feita com 23 frames retirados de 23 avis feitos com a ATIK2HS MAK de 6\'\' a f/10 e um FiltroIR. PBG

3.rd and contacts in an animation with 23 frames from 23 AVI's taken with the ATIK-2HS and a 6"MAK at f/10 and IR filter.